Monday, March 10, 2014

Spring is coming!


Finally the weather is warming up a bit. Winter might finally be coming to an end. It has been a long one...

Saturday I didn't have school because it was spring break, which was really nice. I don't want to have to go back on Saturday. Speaking of Saturday, Jean, me, Catherine, and Jean's friend Chris will be going to Rose's to celebrate her 24th birthday. I always enjoy seeing her! I haven't seen Catherine in a while, so that will be really exciting.

Things are going well with Jean. We have officially been dating over two months now. My last relationship only lasted three months, so this one is on a much better track than that one, that's for sure haha.

My job is going alright. A client of mine is giving me a hard time. She is very difficult to work with. She is intimidating and rude. I, unfortunately, have to sit for 4 or more hours a week supervising her visits with her children. One day I will look back at my experience with her and laugh. She really is a great learning experience. I can't wait until the day I don't have to deal with her anymore, but I really can't be too hopeful.

I am going to be starting to work out a lot more. I signed up to do a Spartan Race with Jean and his friends. I really don't know what I was thinking, but I really, really need to get my butt in gear so I don't make myself look like a total fool. I hate running and this isn't just running, it's obstacles, too, but it will definitely be an experience!

Well that's all that has really happened to me within the past couple of months. Not much lol. Miss the days of going to Denmark.  I am going on a cruise with some friends from Keystone in September to Mexico and Belize and some other islands.  I have never been on a cruise before so I am super excited!



Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!

It's crazy to think that it is 2014!
Well since I last posted I am now in a relationship. His name is Jean.  We originally met at a church in Philly, but reconnected online. We've been dating officially since Dec 21st. We'll see what the future brings,  but I am vey excited! I really like him a lot.

I turned 24 on the 28th. I went to New York with Jean, Rose, and Matt. It was fun! We had a really nice time! And my youngest sister, Jeanine, is now 17. Crazy! Christmas was also nice. Quiet, but very nice.

Last week I only had to work two days. Wednesday was a holiday and then we closed Thursday and Friday due to the snow. Thursday the snow hadn't get come! lol oh well I won't complain. My supervisor John is leaving. His last day is Jan 10th. He is getting a job closer to home in NJ as a therapist. Can't say I blame him. I think that will be more up his alley. I will miss him though. Michelle will now be my supervisor, which will be good, since she really knows what she is doing.

I don't wanna go to work tomorrow!! Oh well. I'll be okay. Oh! I got a new car. A 2013 Toyota Corolla- silver. I really like it! It has bluetooth which is really useful for listening to music and answering phone calls.

Other than that, nothing else is new. Well I guess if you think about it a new boyfriend, car, and boss is a lot. Lol Life is all about changes I guess.

Lately I have been on a Downton Abbey kick. The new season premiers today. I've actually already seen it bc it aired already in the UK, but I will def be up for re-watching it.

Well that's all for now. Ta ta!


(P.S. It is crazy to think about how Denmark was OVER 2 years ago! Time flies! My sister's friend is going to study there this upcoming semester. I know she will really like it. Hopefully it isn't too cold for her lol)

Christmas 2013

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Hey all!!

Wow it has been a while since I have updated this!!

Well, since June there have been a couple of changes both personally and professionally. I started graduate school at Temple Ambler at the end of August. It is going pretty well. It's stressful with my crazy job and getting all the work done, but it is do-able. I have a lot of papers that are due in the next couple of weeks, but I should be able to get everything done, I hope.

Since I last wrote, John, my supervisor, ended up not having to be sent to another office and is my supervisor. He is alright. It has taken him forever to pick up the job and he is a little annoying, but it is getting better. At the end of the week, I will be the longest employed member of the North Broad office. Of of my coworkers is leaving and her last day is 11/15. Haha that is a really, really bad sign. I hope things eventually improve. I took off all last week from work, and it was so nice. I do not want to return to work! I am still looking for a new job, but I want to wait a few months until my supervisor can get settled without Karen.

Yesterday, I had some friends over and we played some Settlers of Catan. That was fun. I have recently gotten into playing Grand Theft Auto. Yeah, just imagine me playing Grand Theft Auto! It's a lot of fun. The storyline is really cool. I feel like I am playing a movie or something.

That's all for now!


Friday, June 28, 2013


Today is my half birthday. I am officially 23 and a half! haha

I am also off today. Woo hoo!

I have now officially been working at Children's Choice for six months. Since the last time I wrote, my supervisor no longer works for Children's Choice. I have had about two months without one. They had hired a new supervisor for us, but they are now going to be moving him to the Treatment Foster Care office. The supervisor for the Oxford Office will now be my supervisor. So that's good I guess. Haha.

I now have a case load of 15, two aftercare. The other five aftercare cases I had have been moved to another office. I think I am starting to get the hang of this job, which is good, I guess.

The 4th of July is coming up, yay! 

Monday, April 1, 2013


Happy Easter! He is Risen! Wow, I haven't updated this in nearly three months.

I have officially been working at Children's Choice for three months. Hard to believe. One of my coworkers, who started about two weeks before I did, has quit. She left about two weeks ago and did not give two weeks notice. We have yet to hire a new worker, so things have been pretty crazy, especially for my supervisor, who has taken over her fourteen person caseload in the meantime, in addition to her responsibilities as a program coordinator.

My caseload has moved around a little bit.  I now have sixteen children on my caseload. Nine are foster care and seven are aftercare, which means they have been reunified with their parents, and I make at least one a month home visits to make sure things are going well. This month has been crazy. I had to move a sibling group of four from their aunt's to a new foster home. Unfortunately, that new foster parent could not keep all four foster children, and the two younger siblings had to be moved to a new home. They get to see each other at visits with the mom every Tuesday, which is good. But this case has been crazy for me this month.

A lot of these kids have had multiple caseworkers. I know at least three or four within the past six months. This job is tough. I work really long hours and have to drive all over the place. Working in North Philadelphia is quite an experience. I am learning a lot. Although I wouldn't want want to do this work the rest of my life, I am going to try to stick it out, for the sake of these kids. I may make mistakes (my supervisor is not the best at training new workers in how to do the job), but I am slowly starting to figure out how to make this all work.

I'm starting to look at grad schools too. I will probably go to Temple and get my Master's in Social Work. I'm not sure how I am going to balance working and going to school (part-time), but somehow I will make it work. It will all be worth it someday soon. I know most people won't/ don't get why I want to do this kind of work, but as cliche as this sounds, God is calling me to it.

My job has kind of taken over my life, which is unfortunate. I am trying to take time out for myself to relax. I am learning to just take things one day at a time. I had Good Friday off, which was really nice, and I have about six days of vacation time to use, so I also decided to take off Monday, as well. I have a dentist appointment, which is good, because I haven't been able to go in almost a year. I have not had dental insurance until I was hired at Children's Choice.

I am very happy that spring is here and that the weather is finally starting to warm up! Hopefully I will be able to get out and run like I had been doing in the fall. Next weekend I will be going on a retreat for post-college age students at Keystone (I'm backkkk haha). I hope it'll be fun!

Saturday, January 5, 2013


Hi! So I have now been working at Children's Choice for about three weeks now. It is crazy. This job is definitely stressful, but it is nice to have a full-time job with benefits. Most of my caseload are children who have been reunified with their parents, which is pretty cool.

Today,  I had to attend a hearing for one of my clients. She is to be reunified with her father after three overnight visits at his place. Then I will start aftercare services, where I visit my client at her new home twice a month to make sure she is safe and things are going alright. I do have one three week old client and have been having problems with the foster mother. She has "so many appointments" and has been really unwilling to set up visitation with the mother because she can't change any of her schedule around. The birth mother has been allowed weekly supervised visits so we have done two so far. They are going to be moving the baby out of the current foster mom's house as she no longer wants to have her in her care. She has been calling me, my supervisor, the DHS worker assigned to the case pretty much every day angry about something. I had heard the birth parents are the ones to watch out for, but I guess in this case it's the foster parent. Soon, I won't have to deal with her for long, which will be good.

Next week, I have trainings at the main office in New Jersey. I'll get to see my friend Rose since she lives five minutes from there, which is pretty cool. Since I am working all the time, it's harder for me to find time to workout. I need to start putting my gym clothes in my car and go after work. I drive right past Planet Fitness in Jenkintown, there is no reason I can't go.


Monday, December 10, 2012


Hello! Oh wow I didn't realize, but it is has been over a month since I've updated my blog.

Well. It finally happened. I got a full-time job! I will be working as a Foster Care Caseworker with an agency called Children's Choice. It is a Christian agency, and the CEO's son, who I interviewed with, also went to Eastern, which I think really helped me. It is salaried, which is a blessing and a curse. I will at least know the exact amount I will make every two weeks and will be able to budget for living expenses and loan payments accordingly. I will probably be doing a lot more work than I am truly being paid for, but that's the nature of Social Work, I guess. I will be driving all over Philly, but will be reimbursed for my mileage. I am a little nervous about parking. I know that sounds stupid, but that is honestly what I am nervous about. Oh yeah, and my safety, I guess. I am really going to miss Indian Creek a lot, especially my co-workers at TASP and my clients. We are having a nice dinner on my last day at an Italian restaurant in Souderton and I am excited. Sad and Excited.

 The office I will be working at is in North Philly, which will be a little scary, but I know I can do it. I have always had a desire to work in the inner-city, which most white people up here in the suburbs don't understand. Although my internship last year at the charter school was frustrating because of the lack of organization (I would frequently go in and be told they didn't know what to do with me), I enjoyed working with the teenagers there. Although I am white, and I believe the overwhelming majority of my future clients will be black or Hispanic, I am excited. Eastern, believe it or not, broadened my horizons to African American culture in a way that I never, ever would have thought. I was placed in a gospel choir called Angels of Harmony my freshman year, which exposed me to African American churches. I met my best friend, Rose, there and many of my other friends. Although I was not able to do the choir my junior and senior year, I still look back fondly on my time there and am thankful for the experience.

I start my new job on December 17th, I think. Hopefully my child abuse clearances will be in by then.  I'm not exactly sure how that will fit with Christmas time, but that is not really my problem.

I still am trying to keep up with exercise, though I run indoors now at the gym, though not three miles. I hate the cold and will run indoors until it starts to get warmer. I really hope it is not too snowy of a winter, especially since I will be driving all over the place.

I have started attending another church. It's call Epic Church and it's in Manayunk. It is pretty cool, it's a church in a movie theater and most of the church is working professionals, or so it seems. They boast being a church that is accepting of all kinds of people and it seems there is a bit more diversity at this church, not just white suburban kids who go/ went to MontCo. I still meet with my friend Wendy weekly for a bible study of 1 Corinthians, which has been good. I don't know how much longer I will be able to do this, depending on my schedule at Children's Choice.

Although it took me seven months post college to find a full-time job, I am really glad I held out and am so blessed and thankful to finally have this job. Indian Creek was wonderful, but I need full-time hours that are reliable. I get cancelled on frequently by my TSS clients at home. If I don't post again before Christmas, Happy Holidays! I will have to change the name of the blog soon, seeing as how my birthday is on the 28th. Crazy to think that about a year ago, I was taking final exams in Denmark, and I was super ready to come home. Before I know it, I'll be 30. Ew. Haha Just kidding.